Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pay Off Debt

I took out all but $10.00 in my husbands saving account today to go towards bills. He only had $360, but how can one save when they owe so much? It's not possible to save money until the amount of bills is reduced to just utilities, rent, child support (if applicable). $404.36 went to our doctor today. While we had paid off the physician in Dec 2012, the ER doctor is still quite pricey. However, that tag is going down and I keep a spreadsheet of it open 24/7. I know if it gets closed, it will be forgotten and I will be off-track. I'm going the Dave Ramsey way and starting with our lowest debt. Conveniently that happens to be our medical bill. 

The following bills are what we owe so far, as of February 2, 2013: 

  1. Doctor - $749.54
  2. 2004 Truck Payment - $2,792.84
  3. IRS - who knows, they keep jacking up what we owe them?!!? Gotta do a offer in compromise with them on this one. But last time I checked, it's in the $5,500 range. 
  4. Student Loans - $8,359.87
  5. Student Loans (yes more) A & B - $112,385.89. (Insane, I know. My hubby decided to do too many forbearance's where he didn't have to pay but each month of non-payment, interest accrued. He owes more now than his initial loan! It's something that can't really be tackled until #1 and #2 are paid off. Then we can do about $400 a month on these loans, but hopefully more.)
The total amount of debt we are in right now (not including the IRS b/c that number is not definite): $124,288. 

But ... look at the bright side. There are no credit cards!! All of those were paid off and/or satisfied in 2011/2012. And while my husband is "craving" to get a credit card, he can't because his score is not good enough. I am glad he can't because I know that could become a problem for us financially. I know one day we will have one, but let's eliminate three out of the five above before that happens. 

On to go sell some stuff on eBay for my hubby :) Tata for now!

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