Saturday, February 23, 2013

How To Clean Your Fridge Fast and Easy

Just regular cleaner usually takes a lot of scrubbing. You got a little bit of everything on the glass surface of each shelf.. butter, jelly, sauces, parmesan, tomatoes, juice, etc. I'll show you what my second row looked like, since the first was too high to take a picture of (for me).

You can see a lot of grease and crap all over the shelf. It may be what yours looks like too and while the thought of cleaning it may seem tedious, it took me about 20 minutes to get the whole thing clean. I didn't use glass cleaner because it takes too long to scrub. I used oven cleaner. Yes you heard me right, oven cleaner. If it's tough enough to get the black crud off of an oven, it should be tough enough to get the grease and whatnot in the fridge without much help from my scrubbing hands, right? Right! And before you decide to use some, make sure you have a mask over you. I about died of tears and choking on the lemon scent of the oven cleaner. It is such a strong chemical though that when the shelves were sprayed with it and remained there for a good minute or two, it took one wipe down to get all of that junk up. Although, for chemical safety, I did do a second round of cleanup with just water. I wouldn't want oven cleaner in my foods or even the scent of it. 

Here's what my shelves looked like after I had put the little food that I had left and the shelves had been cleaned. 

Pretty clean, right? I'd say bacteria is no where to be found. I also used the oven cleaner on the handles of the fridge since there were some icky smudges from everyones fingers on there. That was kind of gross to know but now it's been decontaminated. Hurrah!  Oh, oops. The peanut butter jar is sitting on the pieces of cheese. My bad. Well that cheese is crap and its for the dogs anyway. So is the peanut butter. They love that in their kongs. Good natural easy treat. 

Okay, on to the next thing. Whatever that may be. 

WARNING: Oven cleaner will etch the surface of your fridge if you have a stainless steel fridge. Use baby oil to clean stainless steel. Read more about it at The Kitchn

Thursday, February 21, 2013

DIY Car Key Wall Hanger and Purse in One

Okay so those cheap plastic "made in china" five-hook hangers made our key situation a nightmare. Ours kind of looked like this one below but of cheap metal body all around:

Sure it may look cute, but it wasn't easily accessible. How? Well, there were no lables and keys got jumped on top of other keys. It kind of grew into a burden always rearranging the keys. So today, actually yesterday, I found through my junk of stuff a collapsible towel rack. At least so I think that's what it was meant for. I don't know. It's solid wood and has enough knobs and space away from each other. 

I painted it and reapplied the paint three more times to make sure the wood was 99% covered. It took many layers, or maybe I just had a bad paint brush. I assume the latter. Any how, once it was done, I took a black sharpie and put cute letters with dots at the end to emphasis each car key by its Model (not make) for the middle row of hooks. The lower end of hooks, currently, says purse, bag and bike but the first hook is slightly loose and I'm worried will break under a purse's weight so I need to clear out "purse" and put something else there. As of now, an umbrella hangs there but how often will I really need that there? I don't think living in Arizona requires an Umbrella on the entry-way key hanger/organizer, so I'll figure out what else I could put there.

Below is the finished (yet not edited) version of what I am talking about:

As you can see, we have one too many vehicles, but geez, don't go blaming me. I only got the Ford (yeahh!) and my lovely hubby who loves loves loves toys has the rest. Oh, just realized forgot the gate key up there. Need to go do that before I lose that small key. I know, I know, the walls are grotesquely white but I was just not up to painting today. Maybe later.  

My DIY Mail Organizer

I've been thinking of where I can put my mail besides the kitchen and I could only think of the entry way by the stairs. When I go upstairs I can take the mail with me to file away. Logically it really is the best place. I think I'll do another one for receipts too.

I was about to go purchase a canvas when I found I had two stupid ones from Kirklands. I ripped it apart (literally) and kept the basic wood frame. I also found two $1 . 99 King Shams from Pottery Barn, 100% Linen at Goodwill which probably was $50 new. I was going to sell them on eBay to make a profit but I figured the colors matched my entry way very nicely so I kept them. .

These are the basic materials (plus a Stanley Staple Gun, a piece of cardboard, a pencil, an exacto knife and scissors).

See how stupid the canvas was from Kirkland's? I dont know what possessed me to buy it. Oh well. It was done. And now converted into something more mature and modern. 

Steps to doing this yourself:
  1. Buy a crappy canvas on super discount or find one that you can rip up 
  2. Get the wood base as it's shown in the picture. 
  3. Cover the wood base with your desired fabric, most likely you want it to be very durable and hold heavy mail (like lawsuits, just kidding)... 
  4. Staple Gun the corners to the wood and every inch or so to make it tight as possible 
  5. Find a Home Depot box and use one of the folds. Cut it out with a large exacto knife so you can make a decent straight line. 
  6. Use that cardboard and make sure it's the same width/length as your wood base. 
  7. Cover the cardboard with your desired fabric and estimate how far you want the cardboard to fall when it's "open"... and staple it to the wood base. 
  8. Repeat on both sides and on bottom end of canvas so mail doesn't fall right through. 
  9. Now you have your own mail bin and you will use it more likely because you made it. It has meaning. Things that you buy don't always mean you will like it at your home or even use it. 
  10. Put mail label sign on it. Everyone will know the mail goes there. Even the kids. 

Voila ! I'm happy with my creation. 

New Designs in Family and Living Rooms

I've been very busy this past week trying to get this house in order. It's a house that has great potential, just needs a few paint jobs here and there and some home decor that makes it more homely.

This is the Family Room. We had already owned the red sectional couch (which has extreme damage due to dogs on it all the time), the cat picture on the mantle, the fake tree plant and the TV. The rest was purchased as thrift stores or via craigslist finds.

The wall paint was "Oops" paint from Home Depot. That was $7 for a gallon. So, $21 to do all 3 colors in here (plus elsewhere in the house)! The vase with the fake flower was at Goodwill for $3. The pillows are all from Goodwill, also for $3 each. Why spend a ridiculous amount on pillows when you have kids and dogs to mess them all up? Makes no sense to spend a fortune like that. The TV entertainment system was $50 at a used furniture store I found here in Tucson. Not bad considering it's extremely sturdy and is very convenient for our son's Skylander collection. The fake book on the table was from Ross for like $6 and it keeps the TV remotes and Xbox controllers inside of it b/c sometimes the puppies like to chew things...

The next room is still in progress. It's the living room and no on is using it. Why? I think there's really no need for "two" family rooms, two rooms with couches and nothing different about it. I haven't decided yet if I want it to be a reading room, a toy room or what yet, but I know it can't be the exact same as the family room. Any ideas would be helpful!

The storage ottomans are not my favorite... at all. They looked so nice in the store though, but now they just looke like bulky black squares. And they have damage too so I don't know if I could sell them unless I fixed them up to make them super cute inside (like a fabric pattern).... And I think the end table needs to be a different color. I bought that at Goodwill for $20 and it was a disgusting smokey yellow. I put glass tiles on top of it but I can tell there's just too much clashing here. It helps to see it in a picture. Looking at it now it seems different but I guess it's not. 

Well, this below is my last pic for the day. This frame took me 5 hours yesterday and 30 minutes today to complete. I live in Arizona and to have pics of ... sailboats... is just ... unpleasant. There's no water anywhere near us and we had two of these. So I turned the sailboat image into a fabric design image. 



I couldn't figure out how to put the wood outline frame pieces back together since they were a little oversized and had no idea how they slid into each other. I gave up about 30 minutes after being unable to figure out and tossed them. But the fabric is from a dress I got at Goodwill since I didn't have any of my own that I wanted to use. I have turned pictures that I didn't use before into something I am going to use. I now need to make the second one for the other side of the wall. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unstuff Your Life Questionairre

I received an Amazon credit for a trade-in of a law book for the book known as Unstuff Your Life by Andrew J. Mellen, who is praised to be a renowned professional organizer living in New York City. Kind of have to be "with it" to live there well. Everyone else ends up underground or homeless.

Any how, I kind of expected a picture book to go along with helpful insightful words, but there's not a single picture. That was the initial bummer but I wasn't going to let that keep me from opening the book up and continue checking it out.

The first chapter is "You Are Not Your Stuff". I actually recently discovered this, last August. When my father died, I had a weird thought of how all of his cars, toys and belongings held no meaning anymore. They were all wasted. Sure, my mom still owned them too as she is still around, but they were really his stuff that she let him collect over years and years of sadness. He had lost his only blood-related daughter (as he has an adopted one as well) to a rare European disease when she was just shy of 16. I think he had lost his heart the same day. And now that he is gone, I know that he is with her and that is all he wanted out of life - not his stuff. His five cars, buckets of batteries, magazines, gaming systems he never even opened had no meaning. They were just stuff that took up space and now, every time anyone sees his possessions, they think of him and become sad when they can move on with life and unclutter their souls and minds.

So I did know about stuff being clutter. I did know that when you leave this world nothing matters to you more than being with the ones you love because people matter.

There's a questionairre in the book that I wanted to go through and answer. For me and for you. You can use these questions, copy them and fill out your own answers. They may surprise you.


  1. Do you often feel stuck? - Sometimes, but not with my things - with life. Sometimes I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing or if I have a purpose, so yes, I do feel stuck.
  2. How often do you feel overwhelmed? - Often, there are many demands in life and people expect us to behave and act like robots but we are human filled with emotions and cannot fulfill these demands every time they occur. That alone is overwhelming; the idea that we cannot finish, compete much less satisfy others. 
  3. Do you feel that there is something you should be doing but can never get to? Yes, fixing up the house and writing that damn book I know I need to write but just never have the time or energy to get up and go do it. I am fixing up the house though and while my body aches, it's rewarding. 
  4. Are there things you keep telling yourself you'll do as soon as other things are finished? - Possibly but that's what Google Calendar is for. Set days when things must be done, not because it's a deadline for someone else; it's a deadline for you. Planners don't work for me. I lose them or never look at them. But notifications on my phone and computer help remind me of what to do and when to do it. 
  5. Do you ever finish those other things and actually get to the things you've put off? - Yes, there are days where I say things must be done and finished and they get done. To finish what you started is a motto I do try to live by but sometimes it's the starting part that's harder than the finishing part.
  6.  Do you ever feel caught up, as if everything on your to-do list has been checked off? - Only when i go to the grocery store is everything checked off. There's always something that didn't get done that day or that week. 
  7. Do you complaint about being bored, or of having too much time on your hands? - Strangely, only when the step-kids are here... yes. I feel like I can't be myself or do what I want to do. It's a mental stage I enter when they are here on weekends. It seems like no one wants to really go out and do things and/or hang out with each other. Everyone seems occupied with their own thing. 
  8. If so, how do you address that? What do you do to fill the time? - Watch a crapload of Netflix and draw while I watch. 
  9. Do you stop what you're doing when anyone calls and shift all your attention to them? - Mostly yes. I find it respectful to listen to the ones who are speaking. 
  10. Do you do this whether it's an emergency or just an everyday call? - I'm not on the phone during emergencies. I'm with the person. If it's a business emergency, yes on call and devote my attention fully to the issues at stake. An everyday call usually has my full attention, unless that person truly bores me.
  11. Do you always agree to do a favor for someone, whether it's convenient for you or not? Only with very close friends. Not everyone gets favors or deserve favors and if the favor consists of breaking rules or laws, I genuinely decline to be a part of such acts. I remember this one time in college, a girl had asked me if I'd drive to the licquor store and pick up some drinks (she paid) and she was under-age but I thought I was doing her a favor and when the transaction was done, she said thanks and never spoke to me again. I felt used and saddened that I wasn't welcomed to the event especially since I had made it happen. After that, I never helped anyone else under-age and never bought alcohol for anyone unless I was 100% sure I was invited and respected.
  12. If so, do you ever feel put-upon or get resentful as a result? - Uh, see answer above. 
  13. Do you think that saying no makes you a bad person or selfish person? - Absolutely not. It makes you confident. Big difference although most confuse selfish with confidence and vise.
  14. Is there ever an appropriate time to say no? When? - You say no when it endangers your life or your friends life or anyone that matters to you. You say no when your gut says no. You say no when you just don't feel like doing a favor for x person. 
  15. Do you get resentful if people say no to you? - Not at all. Just pick a new person. 
  16. Do you take "no" personally; do you sometimes think they might have said yes to someone else under similar circumstances? - No I don't. If I cared about every single no I got, I'd be in really bad shape mentally and physically. The only "no" I don't like is when someone doesn't want to be my friend or hang out with me. But I move on. 
  17. What's the difference between an excuse and explanation? An excuse is a way to avoid telling the truth; an explanation is facing the truth and saying it like it is.
  18. Do you think you're often offering a valid explanations for things and not making excuses? My only valid excuse for not accomplishing something is when I'm sick or physically worn out. Everything else is just invalid.
  19. Have you ever had a disagreement with someone over this interpretation? - No... I don't have philosophical conversations about excuses and explanations with anyone, like ever. If I feel that someone is making an excuse, I just roll my eyes and ignore them and walk away. If I feel it's a sincere explanation, then I nod and say I understand. 
  20. Does your stuff seem to have a life of its own? - I gave up all my belongings pretty much. It's my husband who has a garage-full of crap, including a car, a bike in a box, a motorcycle, countless tools, propellers hanging from the wall, water ski's, you name it; I swear it's in that garage or upstairs in the office-slash-extra storage space for hubby and his musical stuff he never plays. Well, maybe once a year. 
  21. Do you set something down and swear it moves sometime during the night? - It's very possible when you don't live alone things move, yes. 
  22. How often during a week do you misplace something you need - keys, wallet, cell phone? - Keys, occasionally but the others, never. Sometimes I do misplace important papers and I am continually trying to do better. 
  23. Are you mostly upbeat, except when you think about your stuff? No, I'm rarely "upbeat". 
  24. Or did you used to be and now you feel beaten down? - Depressing question. No and no.
  25. Do you have piles of papers around but swear you can find anything in them? No, don't have this problem. I have minimal paperwork out since I had to get taxes done but that is all. And the only reason they haven't been put away yet is because the office and filing cabinet is ... upstairs. I hate having a house with two floors. It makes life tedious and unkept. 
  26. Have you ever freaked out, becoming panicky or unreasonably upset, when someone moved your stuff? - Absolutely because of what little I have left that is truly my own. The rest, my husbands stuff, not really. Don't have space in my heart for that. I just see it as baggage.
  27. Have you ever lost something that was important to you because someone confused it for trash? - Maybe not trash but my mother lent a book I was still reading to my aunt and I went nuts looking for it for a week before I told her I couldn't find it. She had shipped it out thinking I was done reading it. I was pretty agitated about that considering she didn't ask me first, but I got over it. 
  28. If that has happened, do you feel partly responsible or are you the victim of someone else's mistake? Victim, for sure.
  29. Do you get nervous when the phone rings? When it's an unknown call, yes. I despise talking to random unknown people on the phone. 
  30. Do you screen your calls? Every phone does that for you, so yes. 
  31. Has stuff made living in your home challenging? Partially yes. Making the rent has become difficult along with child support and new bills. I feel like we have to sell things just to make it. We have to declutter our stuff in order to keep taking showers, use lights at night, drive the truck, etc. It is a major reason as to why I was looking into this book and finally purchased it. 
  32. Does your stuff seem to force you into smaller and smaller living spaces? - We have a two car garage and it's been treated as a storage unit rather than a car spot. We also pay for storage monthly for an RV and a boat. The boat was remodeled like 6 months ago and still hasn't been used. It's his baby though. His stuff is costing us quite a bit in Insurance and Storage fees. Our annual is $114 on the car stuff, plus another $29 for his motorcycle and then storage of $75ish a month. It adds up when you have a medical bill to satisfy, an IRS tax lien, a car payment, commission payments to make, etc. 
  33. Do you sleep to one side of your bed because you have a pile of stuff next to you? - Never. I sleep on one side of the bed because either my husband, puppies or both are next to me. Never "stuff" though. The only "stuff" on the bed are pillows and those are supposed to be on the bed.
  34. Do you sometimes have difficulty breathing? - I did when I first moved out here. I thought I was allergic to the trees here but my cough and stuffy nose wouldn't give up after a month of being sick and neither did any medication I received from the doctor. I decided one morning that it had to be the house itself. Sure enough, after vacuuming and dusting it from head to toe, I was able to breathe again just fine. I know I need to vacuum the minute I start sneezing five times in one day.
  35. Do you spend more time looking for things than doing the things you love? - No.
  36. Is looking for things threatening to overtake your passions? - No, but my husband tends to look for things a lot in the garage and if he can't find it, he just goes out and buys another. Hence.... the stuff. He doesn't realize his things are disorderly and his system makes no sense. So I am trying to help him by doing this organizing thing and finding a way to keep his garage under control, his man cave the same but more efficient and the wallet thicker. 
  37. Are you often just a few minutes late to get somewhere? - No, I'm always too early. I hate waiting in the car but I suck at determining how long it will take me to get somewhere so I leave like an hour early and always end up sitting in the car wasting time and waiting.  
  38. Do you tell yourself that being late is not a big deal? - It is always a big deal. You can't treat someone else's time as if it's meaningless. People see that and unless there was some serious incident that caused you to be late or to fail showing up at all (like me for my Psychology exam since I was in a car accident), people don't take you seriously.
  39. Do you think that the people you love are more important than stuff? - Yes, absolutely. Being an orphan until 6, I didn't have stuff. So when I do, I take excellent care of it until I no longer feel the need to own it or have it. Stuff has no meaning when you die, like I said before. Its like a suitcase without an owner. But people, they laugh, they move, they cry, they fight, they breathe and that's what life is supposed to be about - not stuff.
  40. If someone only looked at your behavior, would they objectively see that? - No because what they see are strictly my husbands possessions. I did not acquire these things with him as we are newlyweds but he has told me the other day that he'd much rather have cash than assets so that we can do what we want to do.
  41. When you're feeling blue, do you think that shopping will get you out of your funk? - As a woman, I know about this flaw in our character and I strictly avoid going shopping because I'm angry or upset. I go upstairs and sit in my room alone until it passes. It's a helluva lot cheaper than shopping, right?
  42. Does the act of buying something make you feel all warm and fuzzy? - It used to but I think making something does that better. The act of buying something because you like it or you saw someone wear it doesn't mean it will suit you as a person. I have learned that. I bought a Calvin Klein dress that I saw someone wear and thought, wow what a stunning dress but when I owned it, I never wore it And I'd like to say it's because I haven't had the opportunity, but then that would be an excuse, right?
  43. Have you ever said, "I'd die without _____!" - In terms of stuff, no. I thought it was that way with the iPad 2 my father gave me the last year he was alive but when he passed away, it reminded me of him and so i let it go. I didn't need that and so far I'm not dead without it so ... yeah.
  44. If you've said the previous thing, was it a thing or a person? - If I have, it was a person.
  45. Do you often speak in absolutes (I always, I never)? - No. Getting a bachelors in Legal Studies taught me that one. Never say never and if the word 'always' is in a True and False statement, it's always false. 
  46. Do you have stories of most of the things you own? - Just a little stuffed pink elephant holding a heart that says "i love you". It was from my first crush, so I think. Other than that, not really. But any gifts someone gives me, I keep for a long time because it holds sentimental value to me that someone thought of me and wanted to give me something without anything in return. I like those kind of things.
  47. Do you like to tell them to your friends and family? How about strangers? Anyone who'll listen? - Desperate are we? Geez, no. I don't tell my stories to anyone because chances are they do not care.
  48. Do they find the stories as fascinating as you do? - See answers above. The only stories I share or my husband and I share are those of vacations and trips and memories of events, not of our things and how we obtained them.
  49. Do you think you talk more about stuff or the things you've done? - Secondary. The only stuff we talk about excessively is work-related and that's kind of required in order to get anything done in the business world. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Geometrical Love

Another piece of art I designed during the Superbowl. I did watch the game at times, but also did this. Colors: Blue, Teal, Green, Purple. I used a cassette case and a ruler to design the geometric lines. The rest is  sharpies.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pay Off Debt

I took out all but $10.00 in my husbands saving account today to go towards bills. He only had $360, but how can one save when they owe so much? It's not possible to save money until the amount of bills is reduced to just utilities, rent, child support (if applicable). $404.36 went to our doctor today. While we had paid off the physician in Dec 2012, the ER doctor is still quite pricey. However, that tag is going down and I keep a spreadsheet of it open 24/7. I know if it gets closed, it will be forgotten and I will be off-track. I'm going the Dave Ramsey way and starting with our lowest debt. Conveniently that happens to be our medical bill. 

The following bills are what we owe so far, as of February 2, 2013: 

  1. Doctor - $749.54
  2. 2004 Truck Payment - $2,792.84
  3. IRS - who knows, they keep jacking up what we owe them?!!? Gotta do a offer in compromise with them on this one. But last time I checked, it's in the $5,500 range. 
  4. Student Loans - $8,359.87
  5. Student Loans (yes more) A & B - $112,385.89. (Insane, I know. My hubby decided to do too many forbearance's where he didn't have to pay but each month of non-payment, interest accrued. He owes more now than his initial loan! It's something that can't really be tackled until #1 and #2 are paid off. Then we can do about $400 a month on these loans, but hopefully more.)
The total amount of debt we are in right now (not including the IRS b/c that number is not definite): $124,288. 

But ... look at the bright side. There are no credit cards!! All of those were paid off and/or satisfied in 2011/2012. And while my husband is "craving" to get a credit card, he can't because his score is not good enough. I am glad he can't because I know that could become a problem for us financially. I know one day we will have one, but let's eliminate three out of the five above before that happens. 

On to go sell some stuff on eBay for my hubby :) Tata for now!

Super Meat Boy Drawing Using Sharpies

I did this last weekend but I have been super busy cleaning up the house all week. Really trying to de-clutter my stuff but it's taking so long because I'm trying to sell it for a buck rather than just give it away. I kind of need the money to pay off my husband's medical bill. Anyhow, that's boring stuff. Below you will see my drawing. I used a mechanical pencil (i know, how artistic!) to draw Super Meat Boy. I colored him in Sharpies (i have 33 of those!) and then drew pipes around him as well as blocks of "ground" with grass growing on them. This is how it looks.

I used an old Target frame I had (for about 2 Years now) and it now sits on my night-stand so I can look at it everyday. I am happy with how it turned out considering I haven't done anything artsy in years. It took me three hours to complete this project which is pretty insane and I actually think my background looks like it belongs to Fez but hey, they are both Indie so it's sort of within the same realm.