Thursday, February 21, 2013

My DIY Mail Organizer

I've been thinking of where I can put my mail besides the kitchen and I could only think of the entry way by the stairs. When I go upstairs I can take the mail with me to file away. Logically it really is the best place. I think I'll do another one for receipts too.

I was about to go purchase a canvas when I found I had two stupid ones from Kirklands. I ripped it apart (literally) and kept the basic wood frame. I also found two $1 . 99 King Shams from Pottery Barn, 100% Linen at Goodwill which probably was $50 new. I was going to sell them on eBay to make a profit but I figured the colors matched my entry way very nicely so I kept them. .

These are the basic materials (plus a Stanley Staple Gun, a piece of cardboard, a pencil, an exacto knife and scissors).

See how stupid the canvas was from Kirkland's? I dont know what possessed me to buy it. Oh well. It was done. And now converted into something more mature and modern. 

Steps to doing this yourself:
  1. Buy a crappy canvas on super discount or find one that you can rip up 
  2. Get the wood base as it's shown in the picture. 
  3. Cover the wood base with your desired fabric, most likely you want it to be very durable and hold heavy mail (like lawsuits, just kidding)... 
  4. Staple Gun the corners to the wood and every inch or so to make it tight as possible 
  5. Find a Home Depot box and use one of the folds. Cut it out with a large exacto knife so you can make a decent straight line. 
  6. Use that cardboard and make sure it's the same width/length as your wood base. 
  7. Cover the cardboard with your desired fabric and estimate how far you want the cardboard to fall when it's "open"... and staple it to the wood base. 
  8. Repeat on both sides and on bottom end of canvas so mail doesn't fall right through. 
  9. Now you have your own mail bin and you will use it more likely because you made it. It has meaning. Things that you buy don't always mean you will like it at your home or even use it. 
  10. Put mail label sign on it. Everyone will know the mail goes there. Even the kids. 

Voila ! I'm happy with my creation. 

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