Saturday, February 23, 2013

How To Clean Your Fridge Fast and Easy

Just regular cleaner usually takes a lot of scrubbing. You got a little bit of everything on the glass surface of each shelf.. butter, jelly, sauces, parmesan, tomatoes, juice, etc. I'll show you what my second row looked like, since the first was too high to take a picture of (for me).

You can see a lot of grease and crap all over the shelf. It may be what yours looks like too and while the thought of cleaning it may seem tedious, it took me about 20 minutes to get the whole thing clean. I didn't use glass cleaner because it takes too long to scrub. I used oven cleaner. Yes you heard me right, oven cleaner. If it's tough enough to get the black crud off of an oven, it should be tough enough to get the grease and whatnot in the fridge without much help from my scrubbing hands, right? Right! And before you decide to use some, make sure you have a mask over you. I about died of tears and choking on the lemon scent of the oven cleaner. It is such a strong chemical though that when the shelves were sprayed with it and remained there for a good minute or two, it took one wipe down to get all of that junk up. Although, for chemical safety, I did do a second round of cleanup with just water. I wouldn't want oven cleaner in my foods or even the scent of it. 

Here's what my shelves looked like after I had put the little food that I had left and the shelves had been cleaned. 

Pretty clean, right? I'd say bacteria is no where to be found. I also used the oven cleaner on the handles of the fridge since there were some icky smudges from everyones fingers on there. That was kind of gross to know but now it's been decontaminated. Hurrah!  Oh, oops. The peanut butter jar is sitting on the pieces of cheese. My bad. Well that cheese is crap and its for the dogs anyway. So is the peanut butter. They love that in their kongs. Good natural easy treat. 

Okay, on to the next thing. Whatever that may be. 

WARNING: Oven cleaner will etch the surface of your fridge if you have a stainless steel fridge. Use baby oil to clean stainless steel. Read more about it at The Kitchn

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